Mobile waste machine for Cuba

Within the framework of a presentation of the network enviMV, a project in Viet Nam about waste management was presented. In this project the NORDUM Akademie is responsible for the development of an e-learning course to create multipliers in the region of Bhin Thuan, Viet Nam, which was published in the Ostsee-Zeitung on the 10.10.09.

The project starts in the third quarter of 2009 over a 2-year-period.

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Information visit from Kuwait

ALBAInside / The ALBA-Newsletter issue 16, 12.08.09

An important part of educating foreign experts is the contact with the company to clarify questions and found connections to the firms.

That’s why a visit of the modern “ALBA Baustoffrecycling Nord GmbH” a recycling facility for construction materials in Parkentin nearby Rostock was integrated. An interesting talk and a factory tour for a group of eleven were accomplished by the production supervisor Klaus-Peter Trost.

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania shows colors at the environmental fair

Ostseezeitung 31.05.2005 P. 6

Schwerin (OZ/dpa) Six companies from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania are still representing themselves till Wednesday at the environmental trade fair “Environment 2005” in the emirate Abu Dhabi. Three companies are already being active on the Arabian market, as the Schweriner ministry of economics stated: the Nordum GmbH Kessin, which is educating personnel from the Arabic States, the Grüschow Entsorgung- & Umwelttechnik GmbH Boldebuck and the Krüger Pflanzenkläranlagen GmbH Duckwitz (the last two are situated nearby Güstrow). In total there are around 400 exhibitors representing themselves on the trade fair.

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

A main pillar in Brazil

The Nordum Institut für Umwelt und Analytik GmbH & Co. KG, as a private independent institute, is offering several services. The spectrum ranges from environmental analysis to environmental management to environmental consulting.

In addition to that, the 1990 founded company and the “Nordum Akademie” are working together in the field of further education on the national and international market. The latest: in the field of research, a testkitt as well as a simple and laboratory independent biosensor to provide evidence of toxic substances in water were developed, which will be manufactured and brought to the market in the coming year. In summer 2004 Nordum is starting an environmental PPP (Public Private Partnership, a partnership between public and private business associates) project in Sao Paulo/Brazil.

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG


Beseliner Company expands in Sao Paulo

Ostseezeitung Rostock – 21.04.2004 – Page 18 / Rostock and surrounding

In the framework of the further education of food and environmental analytical chemistry, Libyan course participants are getting instructions on the ICP-spectrometer from Dr. Michael Söllig.

Packed with the suitcase with samples from Nordum, Rövershäger high school students are examining watercourses. Beside the research in the field of environmental technology the emphasis is laying on further education.

Beselin, a service provider in the area of environmental technology and analysis stands up to the competition. 1990 three Mecklenburgers are founding the Umweltinstitut in the technology park Warnemünde.

On the basis of a wide range in research, education, analysis and practical applications for procedures a positive development could be achieved. 20 employees are currently working in the well-lit functional building that was built in Beselin in 1994.

Prof. Jupp Kreutzmann, besides Dr. Anita Plantikow and Ralf Becker, founder and managing director of the company is talking of permanent up-coming fields of work that have to be developed. “We are in possession of the latest sample and measurement technologies to examine the environment and contaminated sites. The pre-audit for the waste treatment facility of Rostock could be done short dated”, as the professor states.

Sensation caused a new bio test with yeast, which is indicating in a simple and cost-effective way if there are harmful substances in the water. Even pupils from Rostock and Rövershagen received suitcases with samples and could be used as junior researches for examinations of water courses. The simple procedure on a biological basis was developed further. On the hand of the scientist the patented result: a one centimetre big capsule, in which lays an osmotic sealed yeast globule. With this capsule it is possible to determine the purity of the water without any instruments. This test was successfully implemented in Viet Nam. “The bringing onto the market is time-consuming and expensive. We’re still looking for partners”, appraises Prof. Kreutzmann. The research is continuing.

Another field of work was introduced in 1995. Nordum was establishing its academy for qualifications and further education in the field of environment of national and international experts. Up to ten seminars per year are taking place for employees of authorities of economy or science. Content of these seminars is the transfer of the achieved knowledge about laws and regulations of environmental protection into practice. Already two times, 20 Chinese experts were being educated in theory and practice of municipal environmental protection for five months. 2003, 15 Southeast Europeans were coming to the Nordum Akademie for two months. Ten Libyans are currently receiving an education in food and environmental analytical chemistry at the Nordum Akademie over a period of 4 months.

Nordum wants to expand, pass on the knowledge on site. So a branch for education and further education is being established in Sao Paulo. “Two Brazilians are being educated in Beselin, three employees of Nordum will fly to Brazil in June”, mentions the professor as next steps for the preparation of a later on foundation of a joint-venture company for consulting and further education for current environmental matters.

Jürgen Falkenberg

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Groundwater is being examined

Schweriner Volkszeitung – 28.01.2004 / In the public eye

Consrade (cme) Despite of the bone-chilling cold, employees of the company Nordum from Kessin nearby Rostock are taking groundwater samples in a grove at the road between Consrade and Schwerin since yesterday. A little electromotor is zooming. It is directing the cable on which meter per meter of a thin plastic pipe is disappearing in earth. “We are proceeding to a depth of 40 metres”, says Hans-Georg Röhl. Then he is quickly grabbing another length of pipe and is plugging it onto the ending. Before also this one is going downwards, his colleague Rene Soltysek is placing a cable on the pipe with the help of duct tape. “This line is controlling the pump, with which we are being able to take the water sample”, so the technician. Background of this task is the examination of the groundwater regarding to pollutants, which may infiltrated the soil at the edge of the former area of the Russian army. That is why the state has tests carried out regularly from a specialized company.

Caption: Since yesterday, Rene Soltysek and Hans-Georg Röhl (r.) are taking water samples out of a depth of around 40m in the grove between Consrade and Schwerin.

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG


Environmental institute plans the step on the global market

NNN – 07.08.2002 page 5 /MV IHK-WIR September 2002 page 34

Already in school, Anita Plantikow was in her element, if it was really smoky, stinky and fizzing: The woman from Stralsund is a chemist with heart and soul. After her study and doctorate at the University of Rostock she was working in the institute of hygiene of the Baltic city Rostock. After the German reunification in 1990, she saw her chance for a self-employment. Her colleague in research Jupp Kreutzmann, professor for ecological chemistry tipped her off that: in the newly formed German states is a demand to locate and remediate dangerous industry wastes, soil and waste water problems. Then in the summer of 1990 three women and two men were founding the Nordum Institut GmbH in Kessin nearby Rostock. “After the German reunification there was a huge market opening up for us, we were full of euphoria, in this time the banks were giving credits in an uncomplicated way so that we could work with latest technology from the start”, remembers Anita Plantikow, today the only left woman of the three remaining managing directors. “We were totally unaware of the high risk to establish a company out of nowhere, with no references or client base, only our professional competence.” Nordum was quickly acquiring renown with pollutant analyses, analysis of contaminated sites and later also with the monitoring of landfills, expertises on environmental matters, international research projects as well as with further education for national and international environmental experts. The personnel starting with 5 increased to 20. The annual sales are around 1.5 million euros. And now it is time for the institute to make the first big steps on the international market: In Brazil, is the foundation of a joint-venture lying ahead and Anita Plantikow stated that the qualification offers will be the focal point. In addition, Nordum is looking for a market in South America for its first own product: a bio test for waste water, economically priced, which can be accomplished without a complex laboratory technology, should have its release next year. The test is based on so called biosensors, which are reacting on toxic substances in water. A set of exemplary experiments performed in schools of Rostock is already being accomplished. But the biosensors, being able to indicate toxics very quickly, should be used in a wider range of applications. “It should be particularly interesting for emerging nations”, so Anita Plantikow.

Grit Büttner

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Óle, the Chancellor is in Mexico

What is actually the Chancellor Schröder doing in Latin America (Mexico, from tomorrow Brazil, then Argentina)?

He is on an official duty. 30 journalists are sharing the flight with him, guaranteeing that he has daily appearance in the media. Furthermore the impression is created, that Schröder campaigns for the German export and creates employments. That’s quite possible. 26 representatives of the economy were accompanying him. Including big bosses such as VW Piech (324,000 employees) and Siemens-manager v. Pierer (450,000 employees). But also middle class persons, thereunder two women: Regina Seidel, managing director of the company Flemming & Pehrsson, manufacturer of special machines (15 employees) and Anita Plantikow, NORDUM-Analytik (23 employees).

All in all the Chancellor followers count more than 100 passengers. They are flying with two air force machines of the type Airbus A310. On that account four air crews are necessary, including 56 crew members, because of officially required rest periods. Apart from that included: minister economic affairs (non-party), government spokesman Heye, four members of the German parliament, 5 officials for protocols, 4 interpreters, 16 policemen, including 3 personal bodyguards for the Chancellor, 4 persons responsible for the baggage, photographer of the government, editor for internet, stenographer, doctor. Special guest on board are: the writer Durs Grünbein (“Der letzte Limes”), the painter Markus Lüpertz and the soccer player Jürgen Klinsmann!

Mainhardt Graf von Nayhauß

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

What must happen to become a passenger of the aircraft of the Chancellor? – 12.02.2002 / The story behind the story

Yes, what do you have to do to be part of an international flight with the aircraft of the Chancellor, or at least of the escort plane?
The mid-size entrepreneur Anita Plantikow (from Kessin nearby Rostock) realized it by “taking him to task” at an event of the association of young entrepreneurs, on which the Chancellor was appearing. She particularizes the tough economic climate the little companies have to deal with under this government. Schröder wasn’t upset, but remembered her name and invited her (plus 26 additional enterprise executives) to participate in a journey to South America.

And what do you have to get a lift as a journalist?
At first you try to prematurely figure out when and where the Chancellor is travelling to (e.g. from the 24.-28. of June of this year to Canada). Then you’re announcing your wish to travel with him to the Federal Press Office. It is a little bit like: First come, first served! Later on the travel will also be published on the website of the Federal Press Office. But then it could be already too late. Usually there are more interested parties than seats for press in the plane.

The government spokesman Heye is making a preselection, the last word has the Chancellor. It becomes important, if you represent a relevant medium, on which reporting the Chancellor does not want to resign. With Kohl, but also with Helmut Schmidt, it occurred that someone was left behind because the head of the government was upset about a critical report. “You did already enough mischief.” But this wasn’t the case under Schröder yet. But the day may come.

Who is paying the journey?
The editorial team of the journalist is paying. For the air fare you pay 30% of the regular price of the Lufthansa-economy-tariff. For the current journey to South America it is around 2200 euros plus circa 700 US-dollars for the hotel costs.
And how is it on board?
It is relaxed, for example the Chancellor is appearing with bathrobe and a curly-head. But that’s another story.

Mainhard Graf von Nayhauß

Original text by author in German, translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Creating a lobby for women in the economy

Ostseezeitung Rostock – 07.06.2001 / Heads of economy

If it was really smoky, stinky and fizzing, she was in her element in school: “Chemistry was my favorite subject,” remembers Anita Plantikow. “I liked to experiment and was interested in technical stuff.” So what would be better than applying for studies in chemistry, attaching the doctorate at the University of Rostock. 10 years ago, after turning the back on the lecture halls, she, nowadays 46 years, and her colleagues from the university were founding their own business, the Nordum Institut GmbH. The company, located in Kessin nearby Rostock, established one’s reputation in the fields of environmental management, pollutant analysis, further education and scientific analysis. Quite recently the business woman became vice president of the association of German businesswomen (VDU) situated in Berlin. In this voluntary function, the woman born in Stralsund would like to be committed to the generation of cross-sector networks. “The interests of businesswomen in the other economy associations are insufficient represented. That’s why we, representing 1,700 members, would like to create pressure on the politicians and forward the development”, says the chemist determined. By the way, the mother of a grown-up son finds exciting relaxation from the job and association work: by reading crime stories, “preconditioned that the stories are based on true historical events.”

Katrin Kahlke

Original text in German translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG

Oil slicks came from the „Baltic Carrier“

Ostseezeitung Rostock - 26.04.2001

Bad Doberan. The slicks of oil that could be found on the beach of the Baltic Sea between Kühlungsborn and Warnemünde before Eastern came from the Baltic Barrier”, so the published results of a laboratory test of the Schweriner Department of the Environment.

The oil tanker was colliding with a bulk sugar carrier in the Kadetrinne between the Danish and German Baltic Coast 4 weeks ago. Approximately 2,700 tons of oil leaked out to open sea and caused tremendous damages of the environment especially at the Danish coast.

However, the oil discoveries at the coast of Mecklenburg were very low. The municipal authorities ordered right away the clearance of the unpleasant flotsam (OZ reported several times).

The national bureau for environment and nature in Rostock (StAUN) arranged, in the NORDUM Institut für Umwelt und Analytik GmbH in Kessin, a comparison of the samples of the washed ashore oil slick with the oil samples of the tanker that met with the accident, stated the boss of the StAUN Hans-Joachim Meier, yesterday.

In the lab report is written: “In summary it could be determined that the analyzed oils are, in all probability, from the same source (like the leaked out oil from the tanker “Baltic Carrier”).” The same results reached, by the way, the Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency  (BSH).


Original text by author in German translated by the Nordum Akademie GmbH & Co. KG