Titel/Title: Reference: Quality Management, DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, internal auditors
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/company/reference/quality-management/print.html
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Quality Management

Seminars on DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and internal auditors

The seminars that the NORDUM Akademie offers on quality management, "Introduction to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025" and "Internal Audits", are quite popular. We conduct these as open sessions in Hamburg, Berlin, and Dortmund. Increasingly we are also offering these as in-house sessions. These are useful for e.g. laboratories seeking to introduce the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 in line with accreditations, or for various institutions and companies interested in implementing internal audits.

Of special interest to many is the introduction we provide to the new DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025, which we started in 2017. What is important for many participants in these sessions is that they can become acquainted with all of the new aspects of the norm which have changed so that they will be able to adapt to them in their future work.

Our instructor, Dr. Spirgath, is an experienced specialist evaluator at the DAkkS. In addition to his many different theoretical ways of commenting on the material, he has a great deal of practical experience in accreditations. 

One particularly practical aspect of these seminars on internal auditing is the chance to practice discussion techniques.

These seminars thrive on the many discussions with the instructors and of course with the participants themselves. The coursework and even the coffee breaks offer plenty of opportunity for people to exchange ideas and learn from the experiences of others.

Our clients include:

Executive and managers, quality managers for testing and calibration laboratories, engineering offices, measuring institutes, all economic areas looking to implement quality management systems (e.g. wind consultants, automobile suppliers, the chemical industry).

Find more information on our seminars on quality management

qualification: Introduction to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

qualification: internal auditors