Ground water and surface water sampling

For several years we have been conducting training sessions for people to expand their knowledge of how to take samples of ground and surface water. These sessions take place throughout Germany for clients such as state and specialist agencies, engineering offices, or municipal utility works which need to take samples in connection with projects involving contaminated sites. For state-run laboratories we provide regular in-house training for the employees who need to obtain qualifications for monitoring programs.

Our courses on sampling are led by experienced DAkkS specialists.

We find that participants in these courses appreciate the practical application of measuring ground water levels and establishing parameters on site. We cover sources of possible error and measures to ensure quality control. Participants can talk about the procedures performed and exchange ideas with their peers in the field and the instructors.

In addition to the events we offer in Berlin, Hamburg and Frankfurt, we also provide in-house sessions. These can focus on ground water or on surface water, depending on what our clients need to sample. Our courses are successful because they can reflect the individual wishes and needs in terms of working with certain equipment.

Our clients include:

Engineering offices working with ground water and groundwater protection, investigations, and evaluation, construction, renovation, geology, geo technology, working at contaminated sites, testing laboratories, environmental laboratories, municipal utilities, specialist agencies

Find more information on our seminars on water here: 

Seminars on waters (groundwater, surface water, waste water)