Sampling from sludges and soils according to regulations

Since 2015 we have been conducting sessions on how to do sampling of sludge and soils according to the regulations and guidelines. These events are quite popular and well-attended. We provide open sessions as well as in-house training. The theoretical content covers new aspects of the regulations governing sludge and monitoring thereof.  

These sessions are conducted by Dr. Spirgath, who is an experienced DAkkS evaluator.

In the practical portion the session participants have the chance to take samples from sludge in an open operational setting as well as sampling from a container. Because sludge and sewage have a complicated composition, one needs a lot of experience to take representative samples and distribute these correctly. The participants have time to talk through the problems together with the instructor and to find sources of error and nonconformity.

Our clients throughout Germany include:

Testing laboratories, LUFen, testers working in agriculture

Find more information on our seminars on sludges here: 

Sampling from sludges and soils according to regulations