Titel/Title: Reference: expertise sampling of soil and soil gasses
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/company/reference/sampling-soil-and-soil-gasses/print.html
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Sampling of soil and soil gasses

For several years now we have been offering training sessions for people looking to become more competent in testing soil and soil gasses. These sessions take place throughout Germany as both open classes and in-house events. Clients interested in such sessions are many different kinds inf engineering offices working with soil and groundwater protection, investigation, and assessment, accompanying construction work, renovations, geology, geo technology, contamination sites, observing renovations, investigating soil at construction sites, and environmental laboratories. Sessions are conducted by evaluators of the DAkkS, meaning that engineering companies and laboratories can be sure that they can receive accreditation.

Course participants appreciate the extensive theoretical part, but also the practical aspects, such as small percussion boring and then examining and defining the samples.

We conduct open sessions in Berlin, Hamburg, and Frankfurt, but we have also done in-house events which focus on a specific aspect. The individual wishes of our clients can always be taken into consideration, be it using special equipment or other facets. This leads to greater success of the training sessions which our clients benefit from.

We have another seminar titled “Certified investigation of soil structuring and identification”, in which we closely examine the identification of soil structures. The participants can try to conduct exams and tests of soil types for themselves. The seminars are led by a certified investigator from the DAkkS who can work with all individual issues which the participants bring with them.

Our clients include: 

Engineering offices working on soil and water protection, surveys, and appraisals, construction support, renovations, geology, geo technology, dealing with contaminated sites and renovations, examining soil at construction sites, testing laboratories, environmental laboratories.

Find more information on our seminars on waste here: 

Seminars on solids (soil, waste, contaminated sites, building pollutants)