Titel/Title: Notice of Data Protection
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/data-protection/print.html
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Notice of Data Protection

We are happy to see you are visiting our website and that you have expressed an interest in our company.

Protecting and securing the personal data of our clients and users is one of our high priorities. We will treat data pertaining to your person in a manner which is confidential and in line with legal regulations.

The following text will tell you about what kind of data we collect and why we use these data.

I.     Responsible

The party responsible, as defined in the General Data Protection Regulation and other national data protection laws of the EU Member States as well as other data protection regulations, is:

AKUMA Akademie für Umwelt und Management GmbH
Weinmeisterhornweg 48
13593 Berlin
Tel.:038208 434830
E-Mail: Senden
Website: www.nordum-akademie.de

II.     Collecting and storing personal data and the types of data and the purpose of usage

We process the personal data of our users only to the extent that this is necessary to provide a functional website as well as our content and services.

1.     Legal guidelines for processing personal data

To the extent that we obtain the consent of the person for processing personal data, we look to Art. 6(1) a of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as being the legal basis for processing these personal data.

When processing personal data which are necessary for the fulfillment of a contract to which this person is a party, we use Art. 6(1) b GDPR as the legal basis. This also applies to processing which must be carried out prior to the contract.
Should processing personal data be necessary to fulfill a legal obligation imposed on our company, we look to Art. 6(1) c GDPR as the legal basis. 
In cases where processing data is urgently required to safeguard a matter of vital importance of our company or of a third party, and if such interests, fundamental rights, and the freedoms of person do not outweigh the former interest, we see Art. 6(1) f GDPR as being the legal basis for processing data.

2.     Using our website

Each time you visit our site, our system automatically collects data and information regarding the computer system of the computer which calls up our site.

The following data are then collected:

These data are also stored in the log files of our system. We do not store these data with any other personal data of the user.

This temporary storage of the I address by our system ensures that we can provide our website to the computer the user is on, in order to ensure the correct functioning of the website. This is why the IP address must be stored for the entire duration of your visit to our site.

Storage in log files of our system ensures that the website will function properly. In addition, these data help us optimize the website and to ensure the security of our IT systems.

In no case shall these data be analyzed to identify the person directly or provide other information on him/her.

Our legitimate interest in data processing for these purposes is pursuant to Art. 6(1) f of the GDPR.  

In addition, we also use cookies on our website, as well as analytical services.

More information about this is listed in points 3 and 4 of this Notice of Data Protection.

3.     Use of cookies

Our website uses cookies. Cookies are text files which are stored in the Internet browser or by the Internet browser on the user’s computer system. If a user visits a website, a cookie may be stored on the user’s operating system. This cookie contains a distinctive string which enables an unambiguous identification of the browser when the website is visited again. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer or system; they do not contain any damaging software, e.g. viruses or trojans. 

We use cookies to make our website easier to use.

We also rely on cookies to keep statistics on use of our website and to optimize our services for you (see 4).

Data processed through the use of cookies are used for the purposes named here to serve our interests and those of other parties in the sense of Art. 6(1) f of the GDPR. 

Because cookies are stored on your own computer and have been put there by our system, you as the user have full control over the use of these cookies. You can change your internet browser settings to deactivate or limit the transfer of cookies. Cookie which have already been stored can always be deleted by you. This can also happen automatically. If cookies for our website are deactivated, it could well be possible that not all functions of the site can be used in full as intended.

4.     Google

Google Analytics

Our internet presentation utilizes Google Analytics. This is a web analysis service of Google LLC, located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA; in the following simply referred to as “Google”.

Google uses the EU-US Privacy Shield:


which has been certified as a guarantee that the data protection laws of the European Union are also being followed when Google processes data in the USA.

The services of Google Analytics help in analyzing user behavior on our internet pages. The legal basis for this is set out in Art. 6(1) f of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization of, and business use or maintaining our internet presence.

User information (e.g. IP address, location, time, or frequency of visits to our site) are transmitted to and stored by Google on servers in the USA. However, we only use Google Analytics with the anonymized function. With this function Google shortens your IP address in the EU to mask it.

Google uses these data to evaluate use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for us as operators and to tell us about ow our site is being used. These data may also be used to provide other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

Google will not associate your IP address with any other data held by Google.

In addition, Google has provided additional information here:


pertaining to other data protection information of interest to you, such as the possibility of refusing use of these data.

Google also has this tool:


which is a so-called deactivation add-on. This feature can be installed on most common internet browsers and offers you more control about the data which Google can call upon when you visit our site. This add-on tells the JavaScript (ga.js) of Google Analytics that information in conjunction with a visit to our site cannot be transferred to Google Analytics. This, however, will not prevent information from being forwarded to us or to other web analysis services. If and how such other web analysis services are used by our website can be seen in this Notice of Data Protection.

Google Fonts

Our website uses Google Fonts to portray external typeface. This is a service of Google LLC, located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA; in the following simply referred to as “Google”.

Google uses the EU-US Privacy Shield:


as a guarantee that the data protection laws of the European Union are also being followed when Google processes data in the USA.

To present certain typeface on our website, our site has a connection to a server maintained by Google located in the USA.

The legal basis for this is set out in Art. 6(1) f of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization of, and business use or maintaining our internet presence.

In addition, Google provides information here:



concerning your options to refuse such use of data.

Google AdWords with Conversion-Tracking

Our website uses an advertising component called Google AdWords with conversion-tracking. This is a service of Google LLC, located at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA; in the following simply referred to as “Google”.

Google uses the EU-US Privacy Shield:


as a guarantee that the data protection laws of the European Union are also being followed when Google processes data in the USA.

We use conversion-tracking to target advertising or our products. The legal basis for this is set out in Art. 6(1) f of the GDPR. Our legitimate interest lies in the analysis, optimization of, and business use or maintaining our internet presence.

If you click on an ad placed here by Google, this conversion-tracking will place a cookie on your device. These conversion-cookies are only valid for 30 days and cannot be used to identify you personally.

If the cookie is still valid and you visit a specific page of our website, both we and Google and evaluate whether or not you click on an ad placed here by Google and you have been led to this web site through ours.

This information is used by Google to create statistics about visitors to our site. We also obtain information about the number of users who click on our ad(s) and reach other websites. Neither we nor third parties using Google AdWords are in any way able to identify you through these means.

You can change your settings on your own browser to prevent the installation of cookies or to restrict them. You can also delete cookies at any time. The exact means of doing these actions depends on the internet browser you have installed and are using. If you are not sure, please use the “help” function or the documentation function of our browser or contact their helpdesk or customer support.

Google also provides the following




to help provide you with more information about these topics and to inform you of the possible ways in which you can prevent use of your data.

5.     Contact formula and e-mail contact

Our website has a contact form, which can be used for making contact electronically. To use this form, you are required to supply us with your name and a valid e-mail address, so that we may respond to your contact. All other information is optional.

At the time you send a message, the following data and stored:

Alternatively, you can contact us via the e-mail address provided. In this case, the user’s personal data transferred by e-mail will be stored.

The data will not be passed on to third parties in this context. The data are used exclusively for processing the conversation.

Processing personal data from input masks is done by us to process the contact details.

If you contact us via e-mail there is a justified interest in processing these data.

Other personalized data processed during transfer is only used to prevent misuse of our contact formula and to ensure the safety of our IT systems,

Data processing in line with contact information is processed according to in Art. 6(1) a of the GDPR.

These data are deleted as soon as the purpose for which they have been entered has ended and they re no longer necessary. This is the case for data submitted via the contact formula or sent via e-mail once the conversation with the user has ended.  The conversation ends when it is clear from the circumstances that the matter at hand has been dealt with in a conclusive manner.

6.     Online registration

Our website has a formula which can be used to register electronically for seminars.

We require the following personal data information in order to process your registration:

All other information is elective.

When you send this to us, the following data are saved:

None of these data will be conveyed to a third party. These data are used for the sole purpose of organizing seminars.

Processing personal data from input masks is done by us to process the registration.

Other personalized data processed during transfer is only used to prevent misuse of our contact formula and to ensure the safety of our IT systems,

Data processing in line with contact information is processed according to in Art. 6(1) a of the GDPR.

These data are deleted once they are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected.

III.     Transfer to third parties

We do not transfer your data to third parties except for the cases listed here.

We shall only transfer your data if:

IV.     Information, Rectification, and Erasure

Art. 15 of the GDPR gives you the right to request of us at any time in writing, whether or not and which personal data we have saved regarding your person. Providing your request is not at odds with any legal requirements, you have the right to ask us to correct errant data, or to delete or block personal data. Should you wish to make use of this right, you need only send us an e-mail to this address: info(via)nordum-akademie.de.

V.     Security

We employ technical and organizations security measures according to Art. 25 of the GDPR to protect your data from being manipulated or accessed by unauthorized persons. Our security measures represent the latest technological state and are continually being updated. Access to your data is only available to a small select group of people who have be authorized in terms of technical, administrative, or editorial capacities to see your data.

VI.     Updates to this Notice of Data Protection

From time to time we shall update these guidelines regarding your personal data. We ask you to view this notice occasionally in order to stay informed about how we treat and protect your data and how we improve the content of our website. Should we introduce any significant changes on the collection of, use of, or sharing of personal data entrusted to us, we shall make these apparent through a clear and visible message on our website.

Your use of our website indicates that you agree to the terms and conditions set out in this Notice of Data Protection as pertaining to your personal data.

Should you have any questions about data protection please contact us as described on our contact page.

The German version of this Notice of Data Protection was prepared with the help of the “Muster-Datenschutzerklärung der Anwaltskanzlei Weiß & Partner”; this English version has been provided as a convenience to our international clients.