5. Entrepreneur Cup

Date: 18th of June 2011 at 11 a.m.


Castle Teschow, Gutshofallee 1, 17166 Teschow - Germany

Kind of game:   

Single, 18-hole Stableford handicap tournament

Entitled to participate:

Amateurs, who are members of one of the affiliated DGV, with an max. Hcp. 54.

Assessment & Prices:

Gross (Ladies & Gentlemen) / net (class A, B) / special prices


Food & soft drinks, evaluation of the tournament, final party

Starting fee:     

Members: 20,00 €; Non-Members: 20,00 € + Greenfee

Leadership of the game:   

Dr. Jürgen Röwe, Günther Niemann, Mitch Bligh

Terms & Conditions:    

You are playing in according with the Official Rules of Golf (incl. Amateur-Status) of the German Golf Association and the rules of the GC MST e.V.

Subject of alterations:   

Until the 1. start, the leadership of the game can change the submission, in reasonable cases (Exception: handicap).  After the 1. start, changes of the submission can be valid if there are extraordinary circumstances.

End of registration:

Thursday, 16 th of June 2011 at 3 p.m.


By booking on the registration-list, at Pro Shop, via email ( golf(at)schloss-teschow.de) or via Fax (0 39 96 / 140 – 455)

Times of beginning:   

Can be asked, one day before beginning of the tournament, from 4 p.m,  via telephone: + 049 39 96 / 140 - 454

Termination of the game:

The golf-tournament will be closed with the victory ceremony.