Titel/Title: Seminars on drinking water
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/seminars/thematic-overview/drinking-water/print.html
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Seminars on drinking water

Certifying: Sampling drinking water

Course description: The German law regulating drinking water (“Trinkwasserverordnung”) has been amended in 2011, 2012, 2016, and 2018, requiring regular sampling on drinking water in real estate objects which are leased out to tenants, especially when it comes to legionella. Taking samples of drinking water must be done in accordance with § 15 Abs. 4 of the German law “Trinkwasserverordnung” and be conducted by qualified samplers who have been trained and who are associated with a laboratory with quality management. Training include both a theoretical and a practical component and concludes with a certificate confirming that the participant has gained competence in this area. This basic course forms a foundation for the brush up course on “certified sampling of drinking water”. This can be used as a refresher course and does not require an examination. The course content meets the requirements set by the DAkkS (documented in 71 SD 4 011).

Target groups: Sample collectors working at public water utilities, testing laboratories, handicraftsmen and trade mechanics, health agencies


Certification: course on sensor technology in drinking water

Course description: According to the law “Trinkwasserverordnung,” testing sensor technology is an elementary part of inspecting drinking water. It involves examining water sample for smell and taste in terms of quality. The DAkkS document 71 SD 4011 requires that qualitative descriptive testing be conducted by personnel who attend re-training for certification every two years.

Target groups: Sample collectors of drinking water, specialists and managers at laboratories for drinking water

New requirements for drinking water installations according to DIN EN 806 / DIN 1988

Course description: The “Trinkwasserverordnung” and technical guidelines (e.g. DIN 1988, DIN EN 806) set out the requirements placed upon companies who supply or supervise drinking water technology, requiring regular and complete replacement of the water at all tap sites in line with the amount being used. This can only be done if the taps and lines are inspected and maintained on schedule by the company or person responsible. Whitelisting for procedures and materials must be adhered to when working with drinking water, and this can include selecting the correct materials for household installations, specialist planning, and regular maintenance throughout the lifetime of the units. Putting this into practice, however, involves several problems. Our seminar can introduce these aspects and give comprehensive information on these topics and practical means of dealing with them.

Target groups: Employees and managers working with technology, developers, care keepers and building administrators, owners of real estate units and landlords, certified handymen, managers of heating/plumbing companies, expert planners in engineering offices and well as service personnel for maintenance of facility management

Requirements and basics of analyzing the danger posed by legionella

Course description: Changes in the “Trinkwasserverordnung” have created heightened requirements on people and companies responsible for testing and providing documentation, especially in terms of legionella in commercial and rental buildings. Current laws are focused on companies which provide drinking water for general consumption as well as owners of drinking water plants and units. There have been new specific rules (in accordance with the §16(7) TrinkwV “Gefährdungsanalyse in Trinkwasser-Installationen”) which are of essential importance for certain professional groups, such as providers, facility managers, heating and plumping companies, and planners in technical building management,

Target groups: Employees and managers working with technology, developers, care keepers and building administrators, owners of real estate units and landlords, certified handymen, managers of heating/plumbing companies, expert planners in engineering offices and well as service personnel for maintenance of facility management