Our seminars on solid matter: soil, waste, contaminated sites, building contaminants

Certificate course: sampling waste according to the LAGA PN 98

Course description: Taking samples of waste is a set part of accreditation proceedings of laboratories and engineering offices. However, many testing laboratories and engineering offices discover deficits during their accreditation process, many of which which could be avoided by training their personnel adequately. In these seminars we demonstrate how you can collect samples to ensure quality requirements and meet national and international norms, particularly in line with what is looked at during the accreditation proceedings. The landfill ordinance of 2009 (“Deponieverordnung, DepV” – last reading in October 2011) places new and higher requirements on those who collect samples of waste. The terms of expertise for testers are clearly defined. By taking part in our classes on collecting samples, you can become LAGA PN98 conform.

Target groups: Includes people who sample for testing laboratories and engineering offices, and those in charge of these processes, recycling and waste companies, landfills, organizations and offices

Certificate course: sampling soil and soil gasses

Course description: Collecting samples of soil and soil gasses is a set part of accreditation proceedings of laboratories and engineering offices. According to the German Federal Soil Protection Act (Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung, BBodSchV), in order to ensure that there is quality in testing, only qualified personnel should collect samples of soil or gasses. Our seminars show you how to collect samples which meet quality requirements and adhere to national and international norms. We also focus on the standards which must be met and displayed during accreditations.

Target groups: Samplers and managers working in testing laboratories and engineering offices, state officials

Soil and construction rubble materials

Course description: large amounts of waste can accumulate when building a new structure or renovating an old one, including construction rubble and old soils. It is desirable that these can be processed and re-used in a cost-effective manner. In order to do this, one must be familiar with all sections of the LAGA M20 and also possibly have more specific knowledge of the specific state and regional ordinances. Especially when planning or implementing projects expanding across several areas of Germany, it can be difficult to determine exactly which regulations apply.

Target groups: Samplers and managers working in testing laboratories and engineering offices, recycling and waste management companies, landfills, organizations and state agencies

Certificate course: Taking samples of sludge and soil

Course description: Collecting samples of sludge and soil according to the sewage sludge ordinance (“Klärschlammverordung” or AbfklärV) is a set part of accreditation proceedings of laboratories and engineering offices. According to the German Federal Soil Protection Act (Bundes-Bodenschutz- und Altlastenverordnung, BBodSchV), only qualified personnel can collect samples of sludge and soil. Our seminars show you how to collect samples which meet quality requirements and adhere to national and international norms. We also focus on the standards which must be met and displayed during accreditations. State regulations of sludge are currently being adapted; current boundary values will be intensified.

Target groups: Samplers and managers working in testing laboratories and engineering offices, state officials

Expertise: Taking samples from wood waste

Course description: Germany has an ordinance regulating waste wood, the Altholzverordnung (AltholzV). Paragraphs 6 and 7 of this ordinance pertain to the requirements of checking waste wood. Operators of companies which process waste wood are required to conduct self-monitoring and to organize external monitoring. This seminar addresses the necessary expertise for drawing samples of waste wood according to § 6 of the Altholzverordnung.

Target groups: Includes state agencies, research laboratories, experts dealing with wood, samplers and managers thereof dealing with waste wood treatment, as well as companies utilizing waste wood for material and thermal heat

Soil and geophysical explorations – minimum requirements of the latest soil conservation laws

Course description: There is a practical guide for geophysical investigations (KA 5-kurz, 2009) containing an abbreviated procedure for investigating pedological and sensory aspects of soils, which works well in practice. This practical seminar demonstrates and explains concrete aspects of applying and using this in line with legal requirements.

Target groups: Engineering offices and laboratories which are active in sampling for geophysical investigations and which require proof of such in line with accreditation procedures


Applying the Monitored Natural Attenuation Concept – Experiences with it and knowledge gained in line with remediation of contaminated waste

Course description: this course covers current knowledge about and experiences of working with the relevant set of rules used in practical dealings with MNA (monitored natural attenuation). Experience speakers show you under which conditions contaminants can be reduced or minimized by natural processes, and how these processes can be reliably measured, evaluated, checked, and utilized.

Target groups: Engineering offices, planners, appraisers of contaminated waste management

The pollution load in buildings – contamination in renovations and demolitions

Course description: Owners and residents of buildings and property, as well as potential buyers, are faced with high risk factors when it comes to pollutants. This seminar is intended to give you an overview of the existing complexity and the extreme importance of this topic and to provide practical help in “recognizing – understanding – evaluating – acting” upon pollutants. Whether this is considered during demolition or work on the grounds or the building, there are options available which can minimize the risks and the costs involved.

Target groups: Engineers and architects, assessor, lawyers, banks, insurance agents, building authorities, construction agencies, project developers, construction managers, mediators, real estate agents, as well as administrators of housing units and housing construction companies.


Certificate course: Taking samples of rock particles and aggregates – in accordance with the DIN EN 932-1

Course description: The current draft version of the regulation of replacement construction materials (October 31, 2012) calls of mineral remnants to be tested according to the DIN EN 932-1. There are European norms on rock particles and how to sample these. (DIN EN 932-1:1996-11, Part 1). This seminar gives you a working knowledge of taking samples from rock particles according to DIN EN 932-1. This includes a quality approach to plan and conduct sample collection.

Target groups: laboratories dealing with building materials, engineering offices, environmental laboratories


Certificate course: sampling of secondary fuels according to DIN EN 15442

Course description: Testing solid secondary fuels poses a problem for waste management because of the great levels of non-homogenous materials. This places great demands on the competence of people conducting the testing and those who collect samples. The DIN EN 15442 ensures quality in planning and conducting sample selection, especially for secondary fuels. This seminar looks at these guidelines and gives you some useful assistance in quality control.

Target groups: people working in the areas of energy, cement, steel, and disposal, laboratories testing fuels and engineering offices which take samples or make evaluations, e.g. people responsible for waste in their own companies, representatives of waste management companies


Practical problems in implementing § 8 ("acceptance criteria") of the Landfill Ordinance

Course description: The Federal Ministry of the Environment of Germany has stipulated in paragraph 8 of the Landfill Ordinance (DepV of 2009, updated 2011) that regulations concerning what waste products can be accepted into landfills require the person producing the waste to make a full and accurate description of the waste being submitted. This seminar covers practical examples in dealing with waste acceptance proceedings according to this paragraph of the Landfill Ordinance.  It emphasizes the responsibilities of the person creating the waste and the landfill companies which accept it.

Target groups: Landfill managers, people who generate waste, waste management professionals.


(Electronic) procedure of furnishing proof of waste recovery and disposal (eANV) – how it works, experiences with it, solutions

Course description: The paragraphs §§ 17-22 of the German Ordinance on Waste Recovery and Disposal has enabled an electronic version for dangerous substances since April 1, 2010. Since this date, all proof of disposal and accompanying documentation must be provided in an electronic format and signed. This calls for all participants of waste disposal practices (owners and creators, collectors and transporters, disposal contractors) to take part in the procedures of the eANV.

Target groups: people who produce or process waste, landfill managers

Dealing with dangerous construction waste

Course description: The demands placed on dealing with construction waste are increasing continually, thus affecting builder-owners, contractors, renovators, demolition companies, and disposal contractors in ways that are becoming more demanding. This seminar aims to give a concise and practical overview of the complexity and importance of common construction contaminants and harmful materials, and to show the consequence these have on renovations, (partial) demolitions, and disposal. The goal is to support actions which can be taken that are low-risk and cost-controlled.

Target groups: heads responsible for testing laboratories and engineering offices, recycling and waste management companies, landfills, association and agencies