Seminars on working with water in swimming pools and public bathing areas, protection of workers

Supervising and sampling pool water – rules of the most current DIN 19643

Course description: According to § 37 IfSG the water in swimming pools and public bathing areas, be they open to the public or reserved for certain swimmers (hospitals or resorts), must be in such a condition that the people using the facilities cannot be harmed or have damages to their health due to infection or other factors. There is a rule book which describes how to work with chlorination units and systems (BGR 108 Betrieb von Bädern), which in January 2013 replaced the former regulations (Unfallverhütungsvorschrift BGV D5 “Chlorung von Wasser”). Only people who have been trained and who have proved to be competent are allowed to work with and supervise such systems in pools.

Target groups: Operators and managers of pools, especially those who prepare the water for use and who monitor the chlorination thereof for pools used in sports, hobby, or medical purposes; companies which install chlorination units and systems, agencies and municipal offices in charge of checking worker protection and technical safety, health agencies


Safe operations of pools – responsibilities / liabilities / legalities

Course description:  In line with the safety measures in place, people who own and operate pools must do all they can to ensure that all necessary measures are take to prevent any harm coming to people who use them. This means they must ensure that all parts and technical units are installed correctly and remains in good working order, as well as keeping an eye on the users of the pools when they are in or around the water itself. This is why owners and managers of pools must employ qualified personnel who can organize and implement such measures. This practical seminar addresses the responsibilities and liabilities of running a swimming pool as well as the legalities involved.

Target groups: Managers and operators of pools, people in charge of pools used in sports, hobby, or medical purposes; hotels and institutions which own and operate pools, other decision makers in these areas, agents working for accident insurance agencies

Disinfection procedures for water in swimming pools

Course description: According to the law § 37 IfSG, the water in swimming pools operated for the public or for a company must be in such a condition that using the pool will not cause any damage to the swimmer’s health or cause any infections.  The emphasis of this seminar is the new rule regarding “preparation of pool water” (DIN 19643:2012:11 “Aufbereitung von Schwimm- und Badebeckenwasser”) which took effect in 2012.  There is new information on hygiene in and around pools and pool water and there have been new technological developments, which are reflected in the new norms of the DIN 19643.  Only people who have been trained and who are proved to be competent are allowed to work on and with the chlorination units and systems and the chemicals involved therein.

Target groups: Managers and operators of pools, especially those people who prepare the water and facilities for use and/or monitor the chlorination systems of pools used in sports, hobby, or medical purposes; companies which install chlorination units and systems, agencies and municipal offices in charge of checking worker protection and technical safety, health agencies