Titel/Title: Seminars on water
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/seminars/thematic-overview/water/print.html
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Seminars on water

Certificate course: Sampling ground and surface water

Course description: Sampling ground and surface water is a part of accreditation in laboratories and engineering offices, and such samples must be taking in a manner that is precise and proven. This course gives you insight into standard and proved methods of planning and conducting sampling which meet national and international requirements and norms, and which will stand the test of an accreditation process. Regulations in the AQS Merkblatt P-8/2 stipulate that personnel conducting ground water testing must attend regular and intensive training sessions. The same holds true for running water, and indicated in AQS Merkblatt P-8/3.

Target groups: Can include samplers working in testing laboratories and engineering offices, employees of environmental agencies and enforcement agencies, as well as scientific institutions

Certificate course: Sampling waste water

Course description: Of all the many kinds of samples taken, testing waste water is special in that the results of testing can have wide-ranging consequences, especial when it comes to re-introducing processed water back into the system. Processors have to be able to prove that the water quality meets specific standards, and laboratories and engineering offices working with this must be accredited. This course demonstrates standard and proved methods of planning and conducting sampling of waste water which meet national and international requirements and norms, and which will stand the test of an accreditation process. Regulations in the AQS Merkblatt P-8/1 stipulate that personnel working with these methods attend regular and intensive training sessions.

Target groups: Samplers and people in charge of them working in testing laboratories and engineering offices, employees of environmental agencies and enforcement agencies, as well as scientific institutions.

Certificate course: Sampling groundwater

Course description: Taking samples of groundwater is a part of the accreditation process for laboratories and engineering offices. Sampling has to be done in such a way that that results are certain and binding. In this course we will show you the most reliable steps involved in planning and implementing sampling procedures, adhering to national and international norms and standards, and in line with accreditation requirements. Quality control requires ongoing regular and intensive training of personnel testing groundwater, as outlined in regulations such as the “AQS Merkblatt P-8/2 - Probenahme aus Grundwasser.”

Target groups: Samplers working in laboratories and engineering offices, employees in environmental offices and enforcement agencies, scientific institutions.

Certificate course: Norms of on-site analysis and determination

Course description: On-site analysis is an important part of evaluating water directly where it is located and the sample is taken; this holds true for ground and surface water, waste water, and drinking water. Such analysis is not always possible after samples have been transported and stored, so it is different and often more accurate than laboratory testing.
Parameters of investigation include: pH-values, oxygen levels, redox or ORP voltage, electric conductivity and turbidity
A major prerequisite for using on-site analysis procedures is that the person taking and handling the samples has enough knowledge and skills. This means that he or she not only can use the measuring devices correctly, but that their knowledge of the basic subject matter in terms of norm-related work is solid. They must also be familiar with the parameters which determine the material being tested. In this seminar the participants get access to the basic information they will need as well and the most modern technology in on-site parameters, including calibrations and maintenance.

Target groups: samplers who work in testing laboratories and engineering offices, agencies, and water plants