Titel/Title: Mocambique: Cooperation with the University of Maputo
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/training/environmental-project-africa/mocambique-environmental-analysis/print.html
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Cooperation between the Academy and the University of Maputo

From 05 - 17.09.2012 two professional colleagues of the University of Rostock in Maputo at the Academy NORDUM were guests.

Priorities of the technical program were environmental analysis, development of an environmental laboratory and aspects of quality assurance in the laboratory

The guests visited various laboratories that perform chemical and microbiological analysis of food (including drinking water) and environmental samples There they learned the management of the laboratory, specific instrumental analysis techniques in particular to know for water samples Particularly interested they were about


The following companies and institutions were involved in the technical program
KIWA Control GmbH, Berlin and Rostock / Kessin
Investigation of nutrients and metals - sample preparation, analytical techniques, data analysis, quality control laboratory

BIOSERV Medical Products GmbH
Microbiological testing of water samples, sample preparation, analytical methods, quality control, requirements for a microbiology laboratory

enviMV V. - Environmental Technology Network of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
Discussion on problems of water supply and sanitation in Mozambique

Neubrandenburg University, Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences

Aqua Service Schwerin consulting and management mbH

Construction and management of an environmental analysis laboratory, drinking water analysis, water analysis, microbiology, sludge and soil analysis - Sample preparation and modern analysis techniques, a laboratory accreditation

In addition to the technical program, the guests learned some cities and know your interest So you visited Berlin, Hamburg, Rostock and Schwerin