Titel/Title: Managing and conducting training courses for specialists from Kuwait Environmental protection and renewable energy
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/training/environmental-project-kuwait/renewable-energy/print.html
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Managing and conducting training courses for specialists from Kuwait

Environmental protection and renewable energy

In Rostock and vicinity in July 2009



  • Presentation of the NORDUM Akademie GmbH & Co. KG in Germany and its history
  • Legal guidelines on environmental protection in Germany and the EU
  • Renewable energy forms – solar, wind, renewable resources
  • Discussion

Site visits to administrative offices:

  • The Ministry of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Ministry of Work, Economy, and Tourism
  • Presentation of tasks and responsibilities of the Ministry in the realm of environmental protection
  • StAUN – The State Office for Environment and Nature
  • Presentation of tasks and responsibilities of official institutions of environmental issues

Site visit to companies:

  • Alba Baustoffrecycling Nord GmbH, treatment of construction waste products, recycling, of e.g. road construction materials, landfill construction, soil management, demolition
  • Eurawasser Nord GmbH , The central water treatment plant of the company EURWASSER Nord GmbH (global market leader in Water and Waste services  – Suez Environment, France), modern technology of municipal wastewater treatment, sludge, biogas productions, waste water monitoring 
  • IAG Ihlenberger Abfallentsorgungsgesellschaft mbH, The landfill in Ihlenberg – accepts waste products, observation systems of landfill gas usage, cleaning filtering water, mechanical-biological waste treatment
  • KNG Kraftwerks-und Netzgesellschaft mbH, Environmental protection and management of a coal-fired power plant (cleaning exhaust, implementing a system to check emissions and immissions, wastewater treatment, waste treatment)
  • Küsten Solar GmbH, Photovoltaic plant at an abandoned landfill site in Rostock-Dierkow
  • KIWA Control GmbH, Environmental analysis and evaluation of soil, water, construction materials, waste, sediments, air, and medical products, emissions and immissions measurements of interior and outside air
  • RegEn Regenerative Energien Kessin KG, Wind energy planning and operations