Titel/Title: Environmental projects for further education for experts from Libya
URL: https://www.nordum-akademie.de/en/training/environmental-project-libya/print.html
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Training in the field of environmental and food control

and instrumental analytical chemistry - TXRF and FTIR

Since 2004, NORDUM cooperates with Libyan experts from the university authorities and private companies in the field of education with a focus on environmental and food monitoring.
We conducted weekly courses and several months training courses.

Overview of courses offered:

2008 Training course "Instrumental Analysis - TXRF and FTIR" for experts from a research center

2007 training program "food - and environmental analysis" for experts from the University

2005 training program "food - and environmental analysis" for experts from the University

2004 training program "food - and environmental analysis" for experts from authorities

Course “Instrumental analytical chemistry“ for experts from Libya

30.11.- 07.12.2008 in Berlin and Leipzig


The participants of the course are employees of the Renewable Energy and Water Desalination Research Center in Libya.


The program was subdivided into the following parts:

Program of further education "Food and environmental analytical chemistry"for experts from Libya

09.07. - 03.08.2007 in Rostock


The program of further education "Food and environmental analytical chemistry" for experts from Libya was carried out from 09.07.- 03.08. 2007 in Rostock/Germany (four weeks practical training).


The participants of the program of further education are employees of the University of Tripoli in Libya.

Objectives of the program:

For the building-up of modern laboratories the University of Tripoli needs high qualified employees with a broad knowledge for instrumentation (chromatographic and spectroscopic methods). Further knowledge of sample preparation, data evaluation and QA/QC as an important factor for all steps are necessary.

The programme was carried out at the NORDUM Institute in cooperation with the University of Rostock and the LUFA (Agricultural Analysis and Research Institute) in Rostock.

Program of further education "Food and environmental analytical chemistry"for experts from Libya

13.11.- 15.12.2005 in Rostock


The program of further education "Food and environmental analytical chemistry" for experts from Libya was carried out from 13.11.- 15.12. 2005 in Rostock/Germany (one week English crash course, one week theoretical training, two weeks practical training).


The participants of the program of further education are employees of the University of Tripoli in Libya.

Objectives of the programs:

For the building-up of modern laboratories the University of Tripoli needs high qualified employees with a broad knowledge for instrumentation (chromatographic and spectroscopic methods). Further knowledge of sample preparation, data evaluation and QA/QC as an important factor for all steps are necessary.

The program was carried out at the NORDUM Institute in cooperation with the University of Rostock and the LUFA (Agricultural Analysis and Research Institute) in Rostock. The Englisch-crash course was carried out at the Berlitz ITP Sprachcenter Rostock

Program of further education "Food and environmental analytical chemistry"for experts from Libya

09.01.- 28.04.2004 in Rostock


The program of further education "Food and environmental analytical chemistry" for experts from Libya was carried out from 09.01.- 28.04.2004 in Rostock/Germany.


The participants of the programme of further education are employees of National Food & Drugs Controlling Centre in Misurata, Zwara, Tripoli, Bengazi and Elbaida in Libya.

Objectives of the program:

For the building-up of modern laboratories the centre of National Food & Drugs Controlling Centre in Libya needs high qualified employees with a broad knowledge not only for instrumentation, but also for e.g. sampling, sample preparation, data evaluation and QA/QC as an important factor for all steps.
The aim of this programme was to supply theoretical knowledge e.g. (foodstuff legislation; behaviour and structure e.g. of food ingredients, contaminants; measuring principles of modern analysing instruments in connection with practical demonstrations and practical work.
One of the most important points was, that the participants made contacts to a lot of experts in Germany, whose can help them later in their work in Libya.


  • specialised theory
  • laboratory practices
  • visits to industrial plants, public and private institutes, public authorities

This program was based on the standards of European foodstuff legislation and environmental analytical chemistry.
The analytical chemistry included modern instrumental techniques with all requirements for QA/QC (Quality Assurance and Quality Control).

The laboratory practices included:

  • practical training of all trainees at the NORDUM Institute at the same time alternatively in different departments in groups (chromatographic and spectroscopic methods).
  • practical training of one or two trainees at different institutes specialising for chromatographic (e.g. GC, HPLC) or spectroscopic methods (e.g. AAS, ICP)

The program included a computer practical training for data evaluation.

The program gave the participants the possibilities to contact employees in authorities which are responsible for control and analysis of foodstuffs and consumer goods in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and which have similar responsibilities as the participants from Libya. The Ministry for food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (M-V) was also incorporated in the program.

Program content:

Specialised theory:

  • Foodstuff legislation
  • Structure and organisation of an official approved laboratory
  • Sampling of foodstuffs and luxury substances
  • Methods of analysis and assessment of foodstuff, tobacco products and consumer goods according to foodstuff legislation and of environmental analysis
    • Sensory methods
    • Microbiological methods
    • Chemical methods
    • Chemical methods for differentiation of animal species
    • Molecular biological methods
    • Physical methods
    • Short-time assays
  • Assessment / HACCP concept / hygiene
  • Quality management

Visits to plants, institutes, public authorities:

Institutes working in the field of production, treatment, marketing and inspection of foodstuffs were visited within the framework oft his programme.

The main purpose is to learn about food management under practical conditions:

  • governmental institutions (public authorities) (Landesveterinär- und Lebensmitteluntersuchungsamt M-V, Veterinär- und Lebensmittelüberwachungsamt Stadtverwaltung Rostock)
  • institutes (e.g. BIOSERV Analytik und Medizinprodukte GmbH, Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt der LMS Landwirtschaftsberatung M-V, Qualitäts- und Dienstleistungsgesellschaft M-V mbH)
  • foodstuff-processing companies (e.g. FRB Fleischwarenfabrik Rostock-Bramow GmbH, Hansa-Milch Mecklenburg-Holstein eG, Nordkristall GmbH Güstrow)
  • commercial establishments (import and export (ports))

    Practical training:

    Practical training at different institutes

    • Institute of Baltic Sea research, Warnemünde/Rostock Department Marine Chemistry
    • Authority of Plant Protection, Rostock Department for Residue Analysis
    • Research Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, Dummerstorf/Rostock
    • amplius Screening Technologies Analytical Measurement, Warnemünde/Rostock
    • NORDUM Institut für Umwelt und Analytik GmbH & Co. KG, Kessin/Rostock

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